As of Spring 2022, faculty may self nominate or be nominated by any full-time faculty member or administrator who is familiar with the work of the candidate as a teacher using this form (preferred) or by a brief letter, phone call, or e-mail to the FACET Associate Director on their campus who initiate the process. We ask all nominees to complete the FACET Readiness Assessment form. Please contact your campus associate director for more information. Beginning in Spring 2025, nominations are due by April 1 for all campuses.
Renomination Process
A nomination is valid for two academic years from initial submission of a dossier.
A letter from the Statewide Selection Committee inviting resubmission serves as a nomination and is valid for the following two academic years. If the candidate resubmits within the two-year timeframe, they may go directly to the Statewide Selection Committee. If it's after the two years, they will need to go back to the campus selection committee and have EVCAA/VPUE approval.
In the event that a candidate receives a letter from the Statewide Selection Committee advising that they are not ready for FACET induction, the candidate may self-nominate if ready two years after the date of the letter.