As the strategic planning committee revised our plan, many items from our 2016 strategic plan remain achieved, and are still ongoing initiatives. Below you'll be able to compare the current plan with the previous 2016 plan. The 2023 strategic plan followed up on the 2020 diversity task force which found that our commitment to social justice was implied but not explicitly stated, after seven years many items from the 2016 plan were achieved, and IU itself released the updated strategic plan the IU 2030 plan; therefore, our 2023 strategic plan update was necessary.
FACET 2023 Strategic Plan
Priority 1. Be a collective faculty voice of teaching excellence, student learning, and inclusivity across FACET-affiliated campuses.
- Ensure equity and anti-racism are immanent in FACET’s recruitment, selection process, and membership community.
- Work intentionally to recruit and maintain a diverse membership.
- Promote FACET initiatives to non-members through a variety of outreach strategies.
- Unify faculty in a community and culture of teaching and learning excellence.
- Remove bias from the selection process.
- Foster inclusivity by identifying and alleviating barriers to involvement.
- Champion student learning as central to teaching excellence.
- Recognize non-FACET member faculty champions on each campus who evaluate and document learning, student success, and their own continuous growth.
- Create a champion award recognizing those who have gone beyond their own development to mentor others.
- Engage inactive and retired members in programs, services, and leadership.
- Identify and communicate different levels of engagement and ways to participate.
- Partner with faculty emeritus groups.
- Establish a sustainable process for communicating with campuses about FACET's role in supporting teaching excellence, student success, and inclusivity.
- Educate university and campus academic affairs and faculty councils about FACET.
- Identify campus committees with shared interests and missions to establish potential collaborations.
Priority 2. Advance the quality of teaching and learning through dissemination of evidence-based practices and the incorporation of social justice.
- Facilitate student voice and agency in advancing the quality of teaching and learning.
- Further the practice of social justice in teaching and dissemination among colleagues and peers.
- Collaborate with the centers of teaching and learning to host cohorts or establish ongoing communities of practice to study DEIJ-informed teaching.
- Advance teaching and learning by identifying obstacles to DEIJ efforts and educating faculty on how to remove them.
- Encourage the use of teaching techniques that create brave spaces for students and faculty.
- Reevaluate all awards.
- Create DEIJ awards for undergraduate and graduate students.
- Create a FACET DEIJ-informed teaching award on each campus.
Priority 3. Nurture an equity-centered approach to research that transforms all teaching and learning.
- Revisit review criteria used for any FACET publication to ensure they center equity.
- Provide bias training for reviewers.
- Engage diversity committee to review revised criteria.
- Improve access to review criteria.
- Encourage and support contributions from diverse scholars.
- Actively seek out and invite potential authors with various experience levels, disciplines, and backgrounds to engage in SoTL research.
- Create mentorship programs and writing circles.
- Revisit and update SoTL 101 to address equity in research and publishing and be a reliable and sustainable resource for potential authors.
- Manage review process from article submission to receipt of quality reviews and a final decision on article acceptance.
- Review communications process with authors to improve transparency and support.
- Communicate commitment to DEIJ on journal websites, publications, call for proposals, and other communications.
- Promote opportunities for authors to disseminate research through multiple avenues.
- Invite presenters to develop articles for future submissions.
- Target IU-affiliated journal article authors and Quick Hits authors for FALCON sessions, retreat sessions, and other campus teaching and learning programs and events.
- Integrate access to these opportunities with other efforts.
- Support equity-centered cross-campus SoTL research to improve representation of diverse voices.