
Form of Application

FACET candidates are asked to prepare a reflective dossier that documents their goals and achievements, provides evidence of peer review, indicates their willingness to engage in the mission of FACET, demonstrates engagement in the scholarship of teaching, and clearly highlights self-reflection on the complex challenges and dimensions of teaching and learning. Thoughtful documentation is at the heart of the FACET selection process, providing the basis for recognition of both exemplary achievement and engagement in the “culture” of teaching and learning. As you prepare your application materials, you may wish to review the FACET Nominee Review Form. If you have any questions about the form, please contact the FACET office.

The following may provide useful background for faculty involved in the preparation and review of your FACET application and in other teaching portfolios.

  • Angelo, T. A. & Cross, K. P. (1993). Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers. Jossey-­‐Bass
  • Braskamp, L. & Ory, J. (1994). Assessing Faculty Work: Enhancing Individual and Institutional Performance. Jossey-­‐Bass.
  • Chickering, A. & Gamson, Z. (1987). Seven Principles for Good Practice in Higher Education. AAHE
  • Bulletin, March
  • Chism, N. (1999). Peer Review of Teaching: A Sourcebook. Anker Publishing.
  • Glassick, C., Huber, M. & Maeroff, G. (1996). Scholarship Assessed: Evaluation of the Professoriate. Jossey-­‐Bass.
  • Hutchings, P. (1996). Making Teaching Community Property. American Association of Higher Education.
  • Menges, R. & Svinicki, M. (1996). Honoring Exemplary Teaching. Jossey-­‐Bass.
  • Seldin, P. (1997). The Teaching Portfolio. Anker Publishing.

Application Requirements

Please use 10 point easy-to-read font (sans serif or similar is recommended), one-inch margins, and page numbers. The general length of the dossier should be no more than 20 pages, including appendices but excluding the peer reviews and teaching vitae. We cannot provide a Quick Resubmit in these instances because dossiers over the page limit are ineligible for the Statewide Selection Committee to review at the selection meeting, and they only meet once per cycle.

The dossier must be emailed as a pdf file to your campus associate director using the following naming convention: LastName-dossier.pdf. Documents can be created as Microsoft Word files, and converted to and saved as pdf files using the print dialog box. Any problems with file conversions should be directed to the FACET Office. Download a checklist of the application requirements.

  1. Dossier Cover Sheet: Please complete the online cover sheet and insert it at at the beginning of the dossier. Upon submission, the cover sheet will be emailed to you. 
    Complete the cover sheet

  2. Contributions to FACET: Explore the FACET website to learn more about various activities and what role you might play in our continued growth. Upon submission, the cover sheet will be emailed to you. 
    Complete the contributions form

  3. Teaching Philosophy: Provide a discussion of how you believe students learn and how your approach to teaching facilitates student learning. In preparing to write this component, please consider the theoretical foundations of your philosophy. This component of your dossier should discuss “why” you do what you do rather than just what you do in the classroom; use this as an opportunity to reflect on your teaching methods. Your teaching philosophy can describe connections to mentorships, SoTL, leadership, courses, etc. as they are relevant.

    Sample teaching philosophy statement

  4. Learning Episode And Reflective Narrative (LEARN): As of spring 2025, we have adopted a new LEARN structure to offer candidates four path to achieve LEARN outcomes. This allows flexibility in documenting excellence in teaching and learning while maintaining the integrity of reflecting on a single teaching and learning experience. Also, it allows demonstration of teaching excellence in ways including but not limited to firsthand instructional experiences. Please do not include any videos, as they are cumbersome for the selection committee to review and will not be considered in your dossier evaluation.

      This option is most similar to the existing required LEARN structure. It should be based on student feedback, disciplinary evolution, or opportunity to innovate or take risks. It should include evidence supporting a chance to change a single experience in a course, program, or event that resulted in an identifiable impact on teaching and learning.
      This option recognizes a single experience driven by a goal to enhance community, inclusion, or student engagement in the classroom. It should be based on evidence of identifiable impact on increasing community and inclusion in curriculum, activities, assessments, policies, or class structure.
      This option provides candidates with an opportunity to demonstrate their experience’s external or community impact via peer mentorship, scholarship, community engagement, or student influence. It should be based on a single experience which produced identifiable impact.
      This option provides candidates with an opportunity to demonstrate assurance or evidence of learning in their teaching and learning experience. It should be a single experience which produced evidence and/or assurance of identifiable student learning.

      LEARN components, selection committee advice, and examples

  5. Teaching vitae (10 page limit): Rather than a standard version of your vita, provide a vita which specifically highlights your teaching accomplishments in order of newest to oldest.  
    Teaching vitae specifications

  6. Peer Reviews: Two peer reviews are required in each FACET nomination dossier. The peer reviewer must explicitly state the date the candidate’s teaching was observed. If the review is of an online class or recording, the reviewer must state when the teaching instance occurred. Both peer reviews must be conducted within the past four years, with one being conducted in the last two years. To clarify, this timeframe is based on the class year you're applying to (class of # - 4 years = latest calendar year for the 4-year deadline). For example, nominees applying for the class of 2025 can have reviews dating back to January 2021 (4 years) and January 2023 (2 years). Please note the purpose of the peer reviews is not to make a recommendation regarding admission to FACET, but rather to demonstrate an observation of teaching excellence which reflects your teaching philosophy. The peer reviewer should not have a supervisory relationship with the candidate or be a faculty co-teaching a course or who was co-teaching a course at the time of the peer review.
    Peer review specifications and example

  7. Letter of Recommendation: Candidates may request one traditional letter of recommendation from their department chair, dean, faculty colleague, etc. This letter of recommendation is optional and not considered strongly by the Statewide Selection Committee.

Timing of application

All will campuses follow the same timeline of deadlines:

April 1: Nominations are due via online form (preferred) or emailed to

September 1: Deadline to submit dossier (except for one peer review, if needed) for campus initial decision (outcomes: ready; ready with revisions; not ready).

October 1: Deadline for campuses to provide feedback to candidates about “ready
with revisions” status.

November 1: Deadline to submit final dossier, including all updated peer reviews,
for consideration by the campus committee.

January 15: Campus committee sends decisions for statewide consideration.

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