Peer Reviews

FACET Membership Application: Peer Reviews

Two peer reviews are required in each FACET nomination dossier. The peer reviewer must explicitly state the date the candidate’s teaching was observed. Please note the purpose of the peer reviews is not to make a recommendation regarding admission to FACET.

  • Both peer reviews must be conducted within the past four years, with one being conducted in the last two years.
  • The candidate will select two colleagues to conduct a peer review. The peer reviewer should not have supervisory relationship with the candidate or be faculty co-teaching a course or was co-teaching a course at the time of the peer review. If you need assistance selecting a peer reviewer, please contact your Campus Associate Director.
  • Requirement: The peer reviewers must observe the candidate in a teaching environment on at LEAST one occasion; this may be a live or virtual environment. The peer reviewers should also comment on course materials/artifacts such as syllabi. Peer reviewers may comment on observed student learning--such comments should be specific.
  • Both peer reviews should reflect best practices in peer review.
  • Peer reviews may be submitted as letters with the dossier or completed online using a form prepared by the FACET office.  
  • All Peer Reviewers completed using the online form should respond to the Teaching Philosophy and Promoting Learning fields. If the reviewer has knowledge of the candidate's development as a teaching professional, the reviewer can respond to the Teaching Summary field. Guiding questions are as follows:
    • Teaching Philosophy: Based on your observations, comment on the candidate's philosophy of teaching and how this philosophy relates to their identified teaching goals and student learning.
    • Promoting Learning: Document your observations of the candidate's classes and comment on the candidate's teaching materials. How would you summarize the candidate's strengths, especially in promoting learning?
    • Teaching Summary: How do you assess the candidate's past efforts to help others in teaching? Describe your observations of the candidate's effort to continue to grow in teaching through peer mentoring, teaching scholarship (SOTL), participation in professional development activities related to teaching, or demonstrated leadership in teaching.
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