FACET members are among the best teachers across FACET-affliated campuses. The eligibility requirements for faculty are as follows:
- Teaching must be a primary responsibility for the faculty member, typically with a minimum of one course taught per semester.
- Must be in good standing (not under review or improvement plan). Your campus associate director will confirm good standing with your EVCAA or VPFAA shortly after your campus' nomination deadline.
- Full-time tenure-track and tenured faculty, full-time non-tenure-track lecturers, teaching professors, professors of practice, faculty with full-time clinical teaching assignments (e.g., medicine, nursing, law, optometry), and librarians with significant teaching responsibilities are eligible for nomination.
- Faculty have completed five years of teaching at a FACET-eligible campus by June 1st of the year in which they are nominated. Or, faculty who have accrued two years or more of full-time teaching experience at other universities and have completed three years of full-time teaching at a FACET-eligible campus by June 1st of the year in which they are nominated. Years as a visiting professor or lecturer count toward requirements as long as the candidate is currently in a full-time position (non-visiting).
- Nominees should be able to document and demonstrate their approach to teaching and their impact on learning in and beyond the classroom. They may have won Distinguished Teaching Awards, but nominations are neither restricted to that group of faculty, nor is there a fixed quota for any discipline, rank, or campus.