Jennifer Meta Robinson, IUB
Presentation title: "Understanding Grade Surprise: SOTL and Possibilities for Using Big Data in First-Year Courses"
Brief Abstract: The age of “big data” offers tantalizing possibilities for working at intersections of learning, faculty knowledge, and teaching—what we know as SOTL. Although such an approach has been proposed (Baepler and Murdoch 2010), faculty are just beginning to explore its potential. Bringing SOTL and faculty perspectives to learning analytics offers important insight on how to use the digital trail students leave as they move through higher education. Most importantly, SOTL and faculty perspectives keep focus on the people, roles, goals, knowledge domains, and situational contexts of this application of analytics. This project explores the possibilities of using learning analytics to inform disciplinary instructors about movement of student aggregate groups through their courses. Our team of six faculty members from the physical sciences, information sciences, social sciences, and humanities--teaching 5 courses and ~7000 students per year at a research university in the US--has been collaborating on how to use big data to illuminate student learning in our large introductory courses, which set the stage for success in students’ college experience. Specifically, our investigation defines and tracks the phenomenon of grade surprise in our 5 courses. We ask students to comment on their grade expectations for a specific assignment (first high stakes assignment of the semester) and probe their reasoning and their responses to actual grades. This moment of intervention is important because most of our students are in the top 10% of their high school classes, and are used to getting mostly A grades in high school; at this point, they are potentially experiencing a reordering of their success relative to peers. The goals of the study are to understand grade surprise and students’ experiences of it, prepare students to evaluate their preparation for evaluations accurately, equip students to recover from grade surprise when necessary, and share resources and strategies for uptake by the widest range of students possible. The overall study models one way to close the gap between institutional data and classroom teaching and learning. Initial findings already indicate a diversity of ways in which students enter particular general education courses, the purposeful and labor-intensive teaching designs that faculty teach for a particular knowledge base, and “sticky” differentials in student success. The conclusions include that the grade surprise questionnaire itself prompts reflection; instructors can learn to build on this reflective awareness; and instruction before the first assignment may mitigate the negative effects of surprise. The audience will critique, apply, and be invited to join the project.
Denise Dallmer, IUE
Presentation title: Equity in Education: Using the Multicultural Awareness Knowledge, and Skills Survey to Assess Multicultural Perspectives of Pre-Service Teachers
Brief Abstract: We will discuss the development and use of the MAKSS and analyze initial findings. There are implications for teacher educators as they prepare pre-service teachers for teaching in unpredictable times so that all public education students receive a fair and equitable education.
Julie Mendez, IUPUC
Presentation title: Development of a Hybrid Heat and Mass Transfer Course
Brief abstract: This work describes the development of a hybrid junior-level 4-credit-hour heat and mass transfer course. The lecture portion of the course was developed as approximately 80% online. The students and instructor met in person for the lecture portion of the course once every other week for 50 minutes, with the remaining activities completed online. The laboratory portion of the course remained in the traditional face-to-face format. Specifications grading was used to determine final course grades. This paper will describe the course structure, types of assignments, and use of face-to-face class time.
Rosalie Aldrich, IUE
Presentation title: “Don’t Stop the Music”: Developing Creative and Critical Thinking Skills
Brief Abstract: It is essential for undergraduate students to cultivate critical thinking skills in order to be successful at the graduate level or competitive when they enter the professional world (Atkin, 2010). In the field of communication, creativity is also required (Matthews, 2011). Paul and Elder (2006) argue that creativity and critical thinking are inseparable and both are achievements of thought. Unfortunately, many people are convinced they are not creative by the time they complete high school (Matthews, 2010). Therefore, it is important for communication faculty to provide opportunities for students to use and develop their creative skills in a college classroom. This presentation discusses an assignment used to help students identify and explain communication concepts, analyze and interept music lyrics, produce materials to effectively express ideas, and deliver an effecitive oral message.
Laura Romito, IUPUI
Presentation title: "Issue Selling: An Organizational Change Strategy for Sustainable Interprofessional Education Programs"
Brief Abstract: Issue-selling is a tested strategy used by management and communication professionals designed to garner support and buy-in for programs and initiatives. In this workshop, participants will explore this framework’s tools, communication strategies, and processes to enable successful deployment and sustainability of interprofessional practice and education initiatives.
Learning Outcomes
1. Describe leadership and faculty engagement as key challenges in implementation of IPE initiatives in educational organizations.
2. Use issue-selling as a framework to address these challenges, enabling successful deployment and sustainability of IPE initiatives in educational organizations.
3. Acquire knowledge and tools to use issue-selling strategies within their own context, attending to Contextual Knowledge, Communication Strategies, Stakeholder Engagement, and Processes.
Models of Active Learning
Short bursts of information dissemination, followed by participants working in a think-pair-share format, and in small groups, facilitated by workshop presenters as needed. A worksheet and targeted questions will be used to walk participants through the framework and its various elements and to prompt productive conversation around key concepts.Niki Weller, IUK
Presentation title: The “Experienced” Learner: Using Games, Community Outreach, and Meditation to Enhance the First Year Experience
Brief abstract: Inspired by AASCU’s Re-Imagining the First Year Experience, Indiana University Kokomo has developed a faculty-fellows model to support faculty in their efforts to incorporate and assess High-Impact Practices (HIP) into their first year General-Education courses. This presentation will illustrate the structure and outcomes of one specific faculty-fellows model, the Experiential Learning Academy (ELA) which supported faculty in their implementation of high-impact experiential learning activities in their classrooms and increased student engagement on campus and across the community. In particular, this presentation will highlight how the ELA model contributed to the launch of a campus-wide Reacting to the Past game series to be held spring semester, during the same two weeks, across multiple classes and disciplines, aimed at improving the quality of learning and student experiences.
Carol Hostetter, IUB
Presentation title: How Can We Better Foster the Application and Pursuit of SoTL?
Brief Abstract: Faculty can improve teaching and increase learning by using evidence from SoTL and, further, by using classroom research and doing SoTL. We asked if the effectiveness of faculty development varies with the reward structures used. Often, program design focuses on direct economic rewards (stipends). Recent research in behavioral economics (Ariely et al., 2009) reveals the power of non-economic rewards, here reformulated for inducing faculty change to including social, indirect economic, indirect social and intrinsic rewards. We focused especially on the differences in responses to social rewards compared to stipends. We studied participants in four programs: individual active learning grants, SoTL grants (part of our larger SOTL community of practice), and two programs that included a strong emphasis on building new communities of practice (A. M. Stark and G. A. Smith, 2016, “Communities of Practice as Agents of Future Faculty Development,” J. Faculty Development 30: 59-67). Individuals who had participated in at least two programs were treated as a separate group (Multiples). Results from 108 respondents to an anonymous survey were compared using ANOVAs. Participants rated the importance of community significantly higher than stipend, while the recipients of individual grants rated community as less important. Overall, the model comparing the two factors was significant with a large effect size indicating significant differences among programs for the importance of community versus the importance of stipend.
Joann Kaiser and Kristen Snoddy, IUK
Presentation title: "Making Connections: Everyone Has a Story"
Brief Abstract: There is truth in the adage, students will only care about the material when they believe the teacher cares about them. For those of us who teach in Learning Communities (LC), this connection with students is not only a program goal but also one to which we most certainly ascribe; otherwise, we would not be an LC teacher in the first place. How can this connection be achieved? Both Joann and Kristen are long-time LC instructors. Joann Kaiser is a Senior Lecturer in Communication Arts who understands what it means to develop a rapport with students and employs specific strategies to engage her students in both classroom and campus activities. Kristen Snoddy is a Senior Lecturer in English who believes strongly that having students write personal narratives is vital to learning their stories and thus appreciating the uniqueness of each student who enters the classroom.
Paige Land, Daisy Lovelace, Dawn Wisher, and Anna Deeds IUB
Presentation Title: Gamification to Reinforce Oral Communication Skills: Examples from Flipped Business Communication Classrooms
Brief Abstract: The use of games as an instructional tool is a well-established pedagogical practice in business education (Keys and Wolfe 1990). Activities that reinforce course themes create opportunities for “active learning” that can be enjoyable for both students and instructors. While a dearth of cases, activities, and games exist for content in many sub-fields of business, there are few published examples for business communication courses. Only recently have scholars begun to explore the implications of gamification in Business Communication courses (Veltsos 2017). The proposed panel is comprised of four instructors who teach Business Presentations at a business school in a large university in the midwestern part of the United States. Using a variety of games and game elements, our experience shows that these activities allow students to focus on specific skills, build confidence, and meaningfully engage in the course material. Improving presentation skills requires practice and attention to a number of small (verbal and nonverbal) details that can have a large impact on how a speaker is received. Practicing these skills through presentations during class can be stressful for students and can quickly become tedious for the audience. Employing games that focus on improving specific aspects of presentation delivery provides students an opportunity for students to refine specific skills associated with dynamic presenters. The opportunity to practice oral communication skills helps students build confidence in their own speaking abilities. Examples of games played in teams and individually will be discussed.
The purpose of this session is to share best practices for using activities and games in business presentation courses. This panel will discuss how the incorporation of activities and games allows students to practice and improve specific elements of their oral communication and delivery skills. Panelists will share examples of games and activities that are used in diverse classroom settings in both undergraduate and graduate business communication courses. These examples include modifications of popular games available for purchase at many US retailers and original activities developed for business presentations courses. Experiences incorporating these activities in global EMBA and MBA programs based in Asia will also be discussed.
Participants will leave this session with a better understanding of the benefits and challenges associated with incorporating games in business communication classes, specific examples of activities they can use, and the learning objectives associated with each game.
Tin-Chun Lin, IUN
Presentation Title: "Does the Timing of Unannounced Quizzes Influence Student Behavior in Effort Investment and Learning Output?"
Brief Abstract: The main purpose of this research is to verify whether the timing of unannounced-quizzes would influence students’ behavior in effort investment and learning output. Findings suggested that: (1) students’ in-class effort was the same whether pop-quizzes were held at the beginning or end of the class; while students studied harder outside the classroom in the beginning-of-class pop-quiz system than in the end-of-class pop quiz system; (2) students’ learning output was slightly better at the beginning of the system; (3) the mixed pop-quiz system was better than the other two systems in improving students’ efforts and learning outputs; and (4) daily lateness was lower in the beginning-of-class pop-quiz system than in the end-of-class pop-quiz system. However, early departures were lower in the end-of-class pop-quiz system than in the beginning-of-class pop-quiz system. A comparison of these three systems indicated that the mixed pop-quiz system lowered late class arrivals and early departures.
Stephanie Medley-Rath, IUK
Presentation title: "Seeing Sociology: An Analysis of What Concepts Introductory Sociology Students Can Apply Using Photography"
Brief Abstract: I analyze student submissions from a photography-based assignment in introductory sociology. I address the patterns found in student submissions in order to uncover what sociological concepts students observe in their everyday lives. My primary research question, therefore, is what connections are students making? What do introductory sociology students see when they are given few guidelines as to what they “should” see? The intent of this research is to focus on what concepts students identify, not my interpretation of students’ meaning. Students identify a range of concepts, yet tend to focus on broad (e.g., norms) rather than specific (e.g., folkways) or abstract (e.g., sociological imagination) concepts.
Deanna Reising, IU Bloomington
Presentation title: Interprofessional Education that Impacts Patient Care
Brief abstract: Interprofessional education (IPE) is a gaining momentum as an important method to improve education to health care professions students, with the end goal of improving patient safety (Institute of Medicine, 2003). In 2010, the Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative developed a national interprofessional competency framework, while in the United States, the Interprofessional Education Collaborative (IPEC), published core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice in 2011. However, IPE is not an end unto itself; that is, interprofessional teams of students are capable of learning skills key to interprofessional team development, but, they may also contribute to improving health outcomes at the same time. Our university has been engaged in a long-term, progressive program of interprofessional education and practice, commencing with team preparation, simulations, and standardized patients, and ending with interprofessional student teams providing direct patient care in the community. This presentation will focus on both the educational and patient outcomes demonstrated from the collaborative. The purpose of the program is to develop a scalable model for interprofessional education and practice. The program involves designating nursing and medical student teams, who continue in their teams for two years, and providing training on team communication skills (Reising, Carr, Shea, & King, 2011). As the teams develop, they undergo further training in the concepts of patient-centered care as they provide direct care to patients in the community. Students may involve pharmacist, social work, and speech and language pathology students as appropriate. Key student outcomes include: improved interprofessional collaboration skills, and team function. Key patient outcomes include: reduced 30 day readmissions to acute care, improved medication safety, and increased compliance with discharge follow up visits. The practice outcomes address all three dimensions of the Institute of Healthcare Improvement’s (IHI) Triple Aim, to improve quality of care, the patient experience, and cost of care.
Stephanie Medley-Rath, IU Kokomo
Presentation title: Harmful or Helpful? The Impact of New Technologies on Learning Outcomes in Introduction to Sociology
Brief abstract: I conduct a quasi-experiment across three face to face (F2F) sections and four online sections of Introduction to Sociology testing open access (i.e., electronic) and print reading materials. This research fills a gap in the literature by examining how both the mode of instruction (online or F2F) and type of reading material (open access or print) impacts student learning outcomes. This research uncovers whether using open access materials is a viable option for reducing textbook costs, thereby increasing access to higher education. Moreover, by testing these reading materials across two classroom types, I can discern whether the different reading materials are more or less useful to online as opposed to F2F students. Findings offer mixed results. Students who were enrolled in a section that was both online and used electronic readings earned higher final grades. Students who used the print textbook or were in a F2F section, however, showed more improvement from the pre- to post-test on their knowledge of sociology.
Kim Decker, IU Bloomington
Presentation title: Outcomes of a Bystander Intervention Service Learning Project in a Pre-Licensure Nursing Program
Brief abstract: Purpose: The purpose of this project was to explore outcomes from the integration of a bystander intervention, service learning project into a pre-licensure nursing program. The bystander effect is a well- known social phenomena where ambiguity and diffusion of responsibility result in the failure of individuals to assist others in need (Bennett, Banyard, & Garnhart, 2014; Darley & Latane, 1968). Alarming trends in preventable injuries and assaults among college students have led some campuses to explore ways to teach bystander intervention as a means to improve safety and well-being (Coker et al., 2011; Gidycz, Orchowski, & Berkowitz, 2011; Reid, Irwin, & Dye, 2013). Specifically, one large public university in the Midwestern United States created a campus-wide, bystander intervention initiative to promote awareness, compassion, and courage among students called “Culture of Care.” The initiative focuses on improving sexual well-being, mental health, alcohol and drug awareness, and respect among students. Consistent with the American Nurses Association’s (ANA, 2014) position that nurses have an ethical responsibility to collaborate with the public to improve the health and safety of communities, we created a service learning project at the same university in a beginning level nursing course to support the Culture of Care initiative. The research questions that guided this study were “How did the nursing students improve the campus’s well-being?” and “How did participation in the bystander intervention service learning project help promote students’ professional development?” Methods: We obtained IRB approval to conduct this mixed-method study. Over the course of two years, all BSN students enrolled in a required entry level, Healthy Populations clinical course (N=120) participated in a 4-hour training on bystander intervention. Students then received instructions to spend a minimum of 6 hours engaging in activities of their choice that promoted a least one of the four Culture of Care focus areas over the course
of the semester. Students recorded their hours in their clinical logs and reflected on their experience through group discussion and in a written journal. We used a case study design to gain a holistic understanding of the intended and unexpected project outcomes. Quantitative data from student’s time logs was mapped to qualitative data from the students’ reflective journals using Dedoose Version 5.0.11software.Results: First year data revealed that over 90% of the students devoted at least part of their hours to the drug and alcohol awareness focus area. Approximately 50% of the students engaged in activities to improve sexual well-being. Students served the university by spending their time acting as sober monitors
or designated driver (172 hours), creating alternative to drinking activities (116 hours), taking friends to Culture of Care related lectures (54 hours), joining groups related to the Culture of Care focus areas (48 hours), working with small groups or individuals (34 hours), and participating in community awareness
events (32 hours). Analysis of student journals revealed the participation in this project helped the majority of students (70%) appreciate their personal responsibility in community safety, and 37% of students described a specific incidence where they used their training in bystander intervention to assist
an individual in need beyond acting as their designated driver. Further analysis showed that students engaged in caring occasions while gaining skills as leaders (50%), activists (38%), and educators (37%). Second year data will be analyzed in January 2015. Conclusion: While this pilot project involved 120
students dedicating a total of over 800 hours to campus well-being, the student logs suggested the impact was much further reaching. Nurses are leaders and advocates who have a moral responsibility to promote the health and safety of all people (ANA, 2014), but traditional methods used in pre- licensure
education have not always led to the development of strong leaders (Hensel& Laux, 2014; Hensel, Middleton, & Engs, 2014). Very early in the curriculum, this service learning project gave novice nurses an opportunity to cultivate professional skills and attitudes, including those related to safety and
leadership, while functioning in a fairly independent manner. Future research is needed to determine if learning to act when things are not right in a community setting will transfer to the acute care setting where all team members are expected intervene about safety concerns.Andy Gavrin, IUPUI
Presentation Title: "Course Networking from an Instructor's Perspective"
Brief Abstract: Course Networking ( is a new social media tool designed specifically for the educational environment. It incorporates the ability for an instructor to create "tasks" based on
course content, time periods, or other structures. It also allows instructors and students to create posts, polls, reflections on prior posts, and to "like" other's work. This talk will report on a first use of Course Networking in an introductory calculus-based mechanics course at IUPUI. Enrollment in this course is over 150 students. Further, IUPUI is a predominantly computer campus, so many of the students have little opportunity for social interactions in their classes. Particular attention will be paid to student attitudes about this new tool and their perceptions of its impact on learning and social engagement with their peers.Katherine Strand, IU Bloomington
Presentation Title: "Leaving the Yellow Brick Road: Transformative Learning in a University Music Program"
Brief Abstract:College performance ensembles situate themselves within musical traditions that educate participants in performance practices, ensemble skills, technical fluency, and expectations for audience
and performer behavior. Leaving university, these performers emulate what they learned, so that a cycle of rarified performance practice that is separated from a larger community continues from graduating class to graduating class. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore the types of learning that occurred as performers engaged in service learning. I examined reflective writings and in-class conversations of students in a performing ensemble as they learned music of several cultures and then organized musical engagements with three community groups. Emergent category coding revealed that the performers underwent three important changes in the ways that they viewed themselves and their performances. The first change was receptivity, in which the learners became open to alternative ideas about performing. The second change was recognition of the value of these alternate ideas. The third change was a sense of grieving as learners recognized that their old ways of thinking were no longer
relevant when their beliefs about themselves as performers expanded and evolved. These transformations support Boyd’s (1988) theory of transformative learning, a "fundamental change in one's personality
involving the resolution of a personal dilemma and the expansion of consciousness resulting in greater personality integration" (Boyd 1989, p. 459, cited in Taylor 1998, p. 13). The powerful nature of learning in this project encourages me to consider implications for music teacher education.Chera LaForge, IU East
Presentation Title: "The Pitfalls, Perils, and Possibilities of Problem-Based Learning in Online Classes"
Brief Abstract: As more and more professors are being asked to teach online, many struggle with how to translate their active, engaging classroom activities to an online medium. This paper explores the pitfalls, perils, and possibilities of using one active learning strategy--problem based learning (PBL)--in an online class. PBL encourages students to think critically, act independently, and engage with real-world examples in the field. The paper includes the potential challenges in implementing group based work in online courses, discusses the benefits students may reap from working together, and provides some evidence for the success of PBL in lower and upper-level political science courses.
Beth Trammell, IU East
Presentation Title:"Fostering understanding of personality theory and development in undergraduate students by raising virtual children: A high-impact practice technique"
Brief Abstract: As the push to include high-impact practice in the undergraduate classroom heightens, this poster will highlight the student learning outcomes in a personality theories course that utilizes a website
called MyVirtual Child. As students learn about personality assessment and theory, they work within a small group to raise virtual children by selecting the most or least optimal parenting strategies (based on whichever group they are in – the "best parent" group or the "worst parent" group). There are two groups of each type of parent so that comparison of intra- and intergroup differences can be explored within the class. Students engaged in fruitful discussions about judgments of personality, variations of culture, the impact of the environment (including "good" or "bad" parenting practices) on personality development. Although it is mostly used in developmental courses, the MyVirtual Child program has proven to be a fruitful
mechanism by which students can explore the impact of the environment on personality development. This program gives students a "real life" person to compare various events and their impact on personality. It also allows
application of theory to a "person" without the ethical dilemma of imposing certain theoretical underpinnings on a person that the student knows (i.e. perhaps labeling someone they know with a personality disorder, judging a
person for certain behaviors). By using virtual children, we can look at certain behaviors exhibited and make noncontroversial statements that very much enhance student learning. Overall, it has been a very engaging way of
getting students excited about personality theory.Whitney Schlegel, IU Bloomington
Presentation Title: "Connecting Undergraduate Learning in the Life Sciences to Authentic Professional Practices Enhances Understanding and Socialization in the Discipline of Physiology"
Brief Abstract:Authentic disciplinary practices engage students with the habits of mind and ways of knowing in the discipline. A need for change in undergraduate life sciences education has been established by diverse stakeholders, with a clustering of recommendations directed towards implementing authentic learning assessment and student experiences; including but not limited to, shifting course content requirements to competency requirements (AAMC& HHMI, 2009), establishing high-impact practices to align with expectations for learning (AAC&U, 2008) and providing authentic disciplinary experiences that reveal the process of science (AAAS Vision & Change, 2011). Collaboration and innovation in the workplace go hand-in-hand and the enterprise of science and communicating science is collaborative. Writing in the discipline facilitates understanding and socialization in the discipline. This study presents evidence of student learning in a senior capstone course where students learn physiology in semester teams within the context of patient cases and engage in collaborative writing, inquiry, presentation, and peer review with individual reflection on the learning process and peer evaluation. In a 2-year study, collaboratively written case reports and research reports paralleled semester improvement in individual and team exam performance. Student driven
team inquiry project posters ranked consistent with team writing in the discipline. Members of high performing and most improved writing teams were able to articulate collaborative writing strategies, value the collaborative writing process, and demonstrated disciplinary ways of knowing in their final writing products.Murray Bethany, IUPUI-Columbus
Presentation Title: "Transformational Processes in Developing Cultural Understanding: Nursing Students' Experiences in Swaziland"
Brief Abstract: The presentation will be to report the experiences of six nursing students following a servicelearning experience in Swaziland, Africa. Students provided hands-on care in both hospital and community settings.
Following the program, the students were interviewed and the interviews were analyzed utilizing narrative methods. The results of the study closely followed other research that has been published on the value of overseas study as a curricular tool in teaching nursing student’s cultural understanding. Students went through stressful transitions, adapted to these and utilized internal coping strategies and personal strengths to accomplish a remarkable degree of personal and professional growth in a relatively short period of time. Experiencing mild hardship and culturally dissonance activated coping strategies within the students that enabled change and promoted transformation. This transformative process led to greater cultural understanding and both personal and professional growth. The challenge for nurse educators is to try and find ways to incorporate the same processes of cultural dissonance that will provoke activation of coping strategies without the financial barriers.Susan Brudvig, IU East
Presentation Title: “Excellent Ratings in Marketing Instruction: Understanding End-of-Semester Evaluations”
Brief Abstract: This presentation illustrates an analytic approach to understanding what influences student ratings of marketing instruction. After describing the motivation for analyzing student evaluations, a hierarchal logistic technique is described. Results from over 1,500 student evaluations will be presented. The findings highlight that instructional factors, such as instructor organization and instructor rapport, accounted for most of the variance in student ratings, not background factors such as student gender or student major. In other words, although student ratings of marketing instruction are influenced by factors outside the control of faculty, factors within the control of marketing faculty are the predominant influence. The presentation concludes by advocating a multivariate approach to understand how students rate marketing instruction, rather than simply relying on mean ratings of instructors or correlational analyses of course ratings
Genevieve Shaker, IUPUI
Presentation Title: “Crafting Effective Online Graduate Seminar Classes”
Brief Abstract: Graduate education faces unique obstacles when offered online. The graduate student population features different experiences and expectations than are typical among undergraduates. This symposium is focused on the extent to which the qualities commonly associated with traditional face-toface graduate-level seminars—such as community-like experiences and deep engagement with course content—can be replicated in online venues. A case study of an online graduate course, The American Community College (ACC), is at the center of this research-based interactive session. A hybrid course with only two in-person class meetings and alternating synchronous and asynchronous weekly sessions, ACC was divided into five modules, nesting course topics within two- to five-week periods. For this mixed methods, descriptive case study, two sections of the ACC class (N = 33) were included. The case, its findings, and implications will be used to facilitate a discussion about graduate learning in the online environment and about the assessment and strategic development of online classes.
Tin-Chun Lin, IU Northwest
Presentation Title: Students’ Economic Behavior after Midterm Exams: An Empirical Analysis
Brief Abstract: I developed three hypotheses and a case study involving a sample of 203 students enrolled in four introductory microeconomics classes during the spring semesters of 2007 and 2009 to examine the effects of prior exam performance on increments for current in- and out-of classroom efforts toward future exams. I found that students’ prior exam performance is an important and significant signal of students’ decisions to invest more or fewer in-/out-of classroom efforts on the next exam. These findings also indirectly imply that many students may behave like producers in evaluating their previous production outcome and then deciding on a level of effort to invest in current production. In addition, we found that weaker students relative to stronger students could invest fewer efforts when they received poor exam grades. Comparing weaker students with stronger students, weaker students would be more likely to behave like producers.
Deanna L. Reising & Douglas E. Carr, IU Bloomington
Presentation Title: “A Comprehensive Interprofessional Education Program: Innovation in Action”
Brief Abstract: An interprofessional education is infused into nursing curricula, the challenge become how to create a sustainable program that matters in practice. Detailing the specific competencies at each level, as student move from novice to expert skill sets, is important for designing educational interventions to achieve those competencies. The purpose of this presentation is to describe a comprehensive program of interprofessional education and practice that spans two years of nursing and medicine curricula. Student teams are formed with third year Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) students, and first year medical school students, and are retained for two years. Team undergo yearly training to enhance interprofessional communication and collaboration skills using best practices in communication skills and TeamSTEPPS. Student teams practice these skills in both simulated and practice settings. The presenters will share the types of activities, which include standardized patients, simulation, and direct care with underserved populations. Research design and evaluation strategies will be presented for each type of activity along with lessons learned and improvements in evaluation. Results of the now five year program will be summarized, including educational and patient outcomes. Future directions, including the organization's participation in the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, and new curricula design will be shared.