September 27, Friday


Pedagogy ABCs: Teaching Excellence in the Twenty-First Century 

New instructors often are misguided in how to teach college students, relying on methods from their time as students. While the instructor has gained expert knowledge about the subject, that doesn’t necessarily translate to being an effective teacher. The lack of pedagogical training and knowledge is a problem faced by many new instructors. To succeed though, all teaching faculty must understand pedagogical methods and stay abreast of emerging developments in pedagogy.


Check out the tentative schedule of plenaries and concurrent sessions. Times are subject to change.



FALCON 2024 is a free virtual conference open to part-time and non-tenure track faculty members from institutions of higher education around the world. Registration is required, space is limited. 

The virtual conference is being hosted on Canvas through Indiana University. You must self-enroll to the course. Before self-enrolling, if you do not have an IU account, you must create an IU Guest Account to access the virtual conference. There is no cost to create an account and it only takes a minute to complete the form. Once your guest account is completed, you must login to Canvas.IU.edu to turn on your access to Canvas.


Artificial Intelligence and its New Grand Challenge for Higher Education

Generative AI tools have had an astonishingly quick impact on the ways we learn, work, think, and create.  While higher education’s initial response was to develop strategies to diminish AI’s influence in the classroom, it is now clear that AI competencies and literacies must be embraced as essential learning for most colleges and universities.  These responses and realities create a challenging tension that high education must work to resolve.  Drawing from the presenter’s new book, Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2024), this keynote will detail the new grand challenge that has emerged for higher education.

Edward Watson, Ph.D., is the Vice President for Digital Innovation at the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U). He is also the founding director of AAC&U’s Institute on AI, Pedagogy, and the Curriculum. Prior to joining AAC&U, Dr. Watson was the Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Georgia (UGA) where he led university efforts associated with faculty development, TA development, learning technologies, and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. He continues to serve as a Fellow in the Louise McBee Institute of Higher Education at UGA and recently stepped down after more than a decade as the Executive Editor of the International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. His most recent book is Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2024). Dr. Watson been quoted in the New York Times, Chronicle of Higher Education, Inside Higher Ed, Campus Technology, EdSurge, EdTech, Consumer Reports, UK Financial Times, and University Business Magazine and by the AP, CNN and NPR regarding current teaching and learning issues and trends in higher education.

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