The composition of the Steering Committee provides representation from each campus to communicate campus issues and concerns to FACET and FACET goals and activities to campuses. Steering Committee members both represent the interests of their campuses and serve a university-wide constituency.
Two criteria for structuring the membership of the Steering Committee are a minimum level of representation from each campus and additional representation from campuses with large FACET membership.
The membership of the Steering Committee is as follows:
Bloomington: 4
East: 2
Fort Wayne: 3
Indianapolis: 4
Kokomo: 2
Northwest: 2
South Bend: 3
Southeast: 3
FACET Director(s)
Selection of Steering Committee members serves the purposes of involving the membership and of enabling the effective governance of FACET. To those two ends, the selection process has three components:
Campus liaisons
One Steering Committee member from each campus is a campus liaison. If a campus has more than one liaison, the campus FACET membership shall develop a procedure by which one of the liaisons serves on the Steering Committee. A campus member not selected by the campus FACET membership to serve on the Steering Committee may be selected to membership by either of the procedures described below. If not selected to be a member of the Steering Committee, any campus liaison may attend Steering Committee meetings and participate in the discussions, but shall have no vote. A campus liaison who is not a Steering Committee member may also substitute for a Steering Committee member in case of an absence from a Steering Committee meeting.
Campus liaisons shall be appointed by the Director(s) for a THREE year term. In appointing campus liaisons, the Director(s) shall consult with the Steering Committee member(s) from a campus, with the campus FACET membership, and with the chief academic officer (Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs; Dean of the Faculties) of the campus. The performance of campus liaisons shall be evaluated by the Director(s); liaisons may be re-appointed. The Director(s) may, in consultation with the campus FACET membership, remove a liaison from his or her position. Campus liaisons should be provided with some support for their service, for example a $1000 per year contribution to a campus account selected by the campus liaison. (If your campus has a policy that pre-dates this document regarding the selection of liaisons please advise the current FACET Director(s).)
Elected Member
Each campus shall elect one Steering Committee member to serve a three-year term. Elections shall be held in the spring, with a term beginning July 1.Bloomington and Indianapolis shall elect two Steering Committee members. Elected Steering Committee members are expected to attend Steering Committee meetings regularly. However, to be eligible for re-election, an elected member shall, during a term on the Steering Committee, have done one or more of the following:
Served as a peer reviewer in the nomination and selection process.
Served on a campus selection committee or on the Statewide Selection Committee.
Served on a retreat planning committee.Served on any multi-campus FACET committee or task force.
The proposed schedule for elections to the Steering Committee is as follows:
Year 1
Bloomington (3 yr.)
Bloomington (2 yr.)
East (1 yr.)
Fort Wayne (2 yr.)
Indianapolis (3 yr.)
Indianapolis (1 yr.)
Kokomo (2 yr.)
Northwest (3 yr.)
South Bend (2 yr.)
Southeast (1 yr.)
Year 2
East (3 yr.)
Indianapolis (3 yr.)
Southeast (3 yr.)
Year 3
Bloomington (3 yr.)
Fort Wayne (3 yr.)
Kokomo (3 yr.)
South Bend (3 yr.)
In subsequent years, campuses will hold elections at the end of each three-year term. This provides for staggered elections to the Steering Committee, providing continuity of membership, and also provides for all campuses to elect members in Spring 2002 to begin service on the Steering Committee as of July 1, 2002.
Directors’ Selections
Other Steering Committee members from a campus shall be selected by the Director(s) of FACET, in consultation with the campus liaisons, the elected campus representative, and the campus chief academic officer (Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs; Dean of the Faculties). Such appointments shall be for a three- year term, and such members may be re-appointed. Initially, this allows one appointed member from Bloomington, one from Indianapolis, one from South Bend, one from Southeast, and one from Ft. Wayne. Initial appointments shall be made in spring 2002, staggered according to the following schedule:
Year 1
Bloomington (1 yr.)
Indianapolis (2 yr.)
Ft. Wayne (1 yr.)
Southeast (2 yr.)
South Bend (3 yr.)
Year 2
Bloomington (3 yr.)
Ft. Wayne (3 yr.)
Year 3
Indianapolis (3 yr.)
Southeast (3 yr.)
These recommended selection procedures balance member participation in selecting the Steering Committee membership with mechanisms to identify active and involved FACET members from each campus.
Every three years, the Steering Committee shall consider the distribution of Steering Committee representation among campuses. In addition, in 2004/2005, the Steering Committee shall consider whether to restructure the process by which the Director(s) of FACET make appointments to the Steering Committee.
Involvement of the University’s Academic Officers
Communication between the University’s academic officers and FACET enables identification of common interests and mutually supportive initiatives generated by the CAO’s or by FACET and facilitates mutual understanding of missions, goals and activities. The Steering Committee will meet once ayear with the Academic Officers, the best time being the Friday morning before the retreat when the Steering Committee is already assembled but at a time that is mutually convenientfor the CAO's and the Steering Committee.
Involvement of other University faculty and staff involved in teaching excellence
As the University adds additional staff (e.g., in professional development and in assessment) and as campus teaching-learning centers grow, close coordination between their activities and FACET activities becomes increasingly important. After identifying the appropriate people leading teaching excellence efforts on all campuses, the FACET office should (1) speak with them to determine their desired level of involvement with FACET, (2) invite them to one Steering Committee meeting each year (e.g., at the Moore Symposium, or in the summer, or in early fall), and (3) invite specific individuals to meet with the Steering Committee about specific issues of concern to FACET and to that (those) individual (s’) office or program.
Only FACET members will be invited to serve as members of the Steering Committee.
Amended by FACET Steering Committee, May 2013, to add a representative from IUPUC to the IUPUI allotted Steering Committee Representatives. This person will serve a 3 year term
and is appointed by the FACET Director.
Task Force Members:
- Donald Coffin
- Art Freidel
- David Malik
- Gerry Powers
- Georgia Strange