The Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning released its latest issue.
Table of Contents
Who Improves Most? The Differences in First-Year Students’ Learning Attitudes and Behaviors Measured by College Success Factor Index
Masha Krsmanovic, Thomas D. Cox, Jamil D. Johnson
Defining Science Literacy in General Education Courses for Undergraduate Non-Science Majors
Eleanor V.H. Vandegrift, Ronald A. Beghetto, Judith S. Eisen, Peter M. O'Day, Michael G. Raymer, Nicola C. Barber
Varying the Preparation Guide and Group Discussion in a Classroom Analysis of Interteaching
Catherine M Gayman, Stephanie T Jimenez
Exploring Variation in Student Academic Performance: Can Achievement in an Immersive Case Study Project Predict Exam Score in an Introductory Accounting Course?
Penelope M. Lyman, Alexander E. Olvido
Case Studies
Students’ Perceptions of a Token Economy in an Undergraduate Science Flipped Class-Room
Cara J. Gomez, EdD, Chetanath Gautam, EdD, Megan Rothermel, EdD, Julia Olsen, MS
Portraits of Undergraduate Discipline-Specific Thinking: Guiding Students from Novice to Proficient Learner
Patricia Stovey, Tiffany Trimmer
Iteration in an Inquiry-Based Undergraduate Laboratory Strengthens Student Engagement and Incorporation of Scientific Skills
Emily Wiseman, David J. Carroll, Samantha R. Fowler, Eric Guisbert
Quick Hits
Augmented Reality Facilitated Scavenger Hunt for Mobile Learning
Lan Li
Integrating the Daily Newspaper into the College Classroom
Zachary Schrank
Reflective Essay
Valuing the Engaged Work of the Professoriate: Reflections on Ernest Boyer’s Scholarship Reconsidered
Lauren Allen Wendling