FACET members contribute to the vitality, vibrancy, and overall excellence of IU in teaching, research and service. Since FACET’s founding in 1989 FACET members have received over 90 distinguished teaching, service, and professorate awards.
Of particular note, IU recognizes distinguished teaching as more than excellent teaching, and FACET’s core values are easily seen in the criteria for distinguished teaching: “In making its determinations, the committee places especial weight on the following: 1) evidence that the candidate has had a profound, life-changing influence on students; 2) a sustained impact on student learning; 3) innovative teaching; 4) a demonstrated leadership role in teaching (on the candidate’s campus, in the region, nationally and/or internationally); 5) breadth of courses taught; and 7) the ability to be highly reflective as a teacher in his or her self-analysis.”