Teaching Awards

Mumford Excellence in Extraordinary Teaching Awards

In 2021, the IU Faculty Academy on Excellence in Teaching (FACET) Bloomington established the Dr. James E. Mumford Excellence in Extraordinary Teaching Awards. These awards recognize instructors who demonstrate notably innovative, creative, and compassionate teaching in response to extraordinary events. During the inaugural year, the Mumford Awards specifically sought to highlight excellence in classroom teaching, course design, and instructor-student advising in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, social justice developments, and other adverse and unexpected situations. All IU Bloomington full-time, part-time, and adjunct faculty were eligible for nomination. 

This award was named in the memory of Dr. James E. Mumford (1936-2019), who built an esteemed career first as the Director of the IU Soul Revue and later as the longtime Director of the African American Choral Ensemble. These ensembles, which are part of the African American Arts Institute (AAAI) and administered by the Office of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Multicultural Affairs (OVPDEMA), firmly established Mumford as an icon on the Bloomington campus and brought prominence to the university through the performances of his students. Dr. Mumford earned his doctorate in music education from the IU Jacobs School of Music and was an active member of FACET. A documentary featuring Dr. Mumford’s teaching can be found here.

In the spirit of Dr. Mumford’s legacy and the accomplishments of the Mumford Award recipients, a significant donation was made in the awardees’ names to IU’s Crimson Cupboard Food Pantry, IU Bloomington’s on-campus resource available to all IU community members.

In 2021, we had 122 nominees and 87 awardees. We invite you to read their inspiring stories.

Dr. Carol Hostetter Lifetime Distinguished Teaching Career Award

This annual award recognizes a distinguished FACET member from IU Bloomington who has had a career of significant and sustained teaching and teaching-related service in forwarding IU’s teaching mission. Nominations of both active and retired IU Bloomington faculty are welcome. Letters should include the following: 

  • Use of effective and innovative teaching practices
  • Ability to motivate and engage students
  • Commitment to improving student learning
  • Service as a mentor to graduate or undergraduate students
  • Service as a teaching mentor or role model for other faculty
  • Teaching-related service (i.e. developing open-source materials, conducting peer reviews, etc.)
  • Efforts to promote instructional development among faculty
  • Other efforts to promote IU’s teaching mission.

Meet the Recipients

  • Vicky J. Meretsky, 2024 Carol Hostetter Lifetime Distinguished Teaching Career Award
  • Martha Oakley, 2024 Dr. James E. Mumford for Teaching Excellence in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Jill Robinson, 2024 Dr. James E. Mumford for Teaching Excellence in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Meghan Porter, 2024 Dr. James E. Mumford for Teaching Excellence in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

  • Brian Powell, 2023 Carol Hostetter Lifetime Distinguished Teaching Career Award
  • Allen Davis, 2023 FACET Dr. James E. Mumford Awardee
  • Oscar Patrón, 2023 FACET Dr. James E. Mumford Awardee

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