In 2022, the FACET Steering Committee decided to continue the important work of the Diversity Task Force and convene a committee. The committee will utilize the task force's recommendations and begin working on two major initiatives: evaluating the membership process and strategic plan.
Strategic Plan
FACET's most recent strategic plan was developed in 2016 with the help of IU human resources. The committee plans to reevaluate the strategic plan through a DEIJ lens.Membership Selection
The committee plans to evaluate the process of becoming a FACET member (nomination, dossier preparation, and selection). FACET has already implemented changes from the task force's recommendations, including self-nominations.Meet the Committee
Diversity Committee membership will be determined in the Fall 2024 semester. The committee will have a broad impact on FACET touching all of our initiatives and many of our communications. Email the FACET office if you are interested in serving on this committee.